Distraction. Two of my devotionals talked about distractions this morning. I was reading them and then speaking in my head to the Lord and wondered what He was saying I was distracted by. Do you struggle with distractions? I know I can easily be distracted when it comes to things I need to do, but don’t want to. Suddenly, the kitchen floor is in need of cleaning it has to be cleaned before I do anything else… you don’t have to do that phone call or send the email, read the book, do the homework, run the errand, etc. Does this ever happen to you? You replace things you are doing with the things you should be doing or have set a goal to do?

Now, washing my kitchen floor is a good and worthwhile thing to do. I am not knocking a clean house, I really enjoy a clean home, but when you are doing the cleaning of the floor in place of something you have set out to do or “should’ be doing, that is when the problem arises. Now, I use the word “should ” lightly because I have really made strides in my life to remove the should’s, would and have to’s in my life. I try to use the phrases I get to, I choose to, I want to instead. However, in this instance I am using it as a word to recognize the things we have set out to do that we are avoiding.

It is so easy to get distracted when we are doing something we don’t want to do. We can find all of the excuses and make up extra things we need to do, just to avoid the things we may want to really do to move us forward.

Are You a Mary or a Martha?

In my devotional they mentioned the story of Mary and Martha from Luke 22:34-38. I will be honest, this story in the Bible always has made me squirm. Why? Well, because I am so often the Martha and not the Mary in this story. I am running around doing all of the things and ignoring the most important things. I was challenged many years ago to let the dishes wait until after I hosted dinner and let me tell you that is So Hard For Me! Ha! I will admit most of the time I at least rinse the dishes or do a little bit when we have company, but I really try to be conscious of what is most important at the time. Is it more important to clean up the dishes and keep my kitchen clean, or is it better to spend time with my guests and fellowship with them? 

I want to be more of a Mary and not let the distractions of all of the things take me away from my purpose and the impact I desire to have. I want to stop and smell the roses, make the phone call, write the blog post for others, serve the person I am meant to serve, I really do. However, I can so easily let distractions speak louder and allow me the excuse to avoid what might be better in the moment. 

Four Ways to Remove Distractions:

So, how do we fix this pattern? Well, I am still working on it, but here are a few ways you can help combat distractions in life.

Prioritize and Schedule:

This is probably no surprise to you. Make a list of what is most important. Then focus on no more than the top three items you write down at a time. As you look at what you want to accomplish, schedule them in your day.  Treat each item like any other appointment on your schedule. Schedule them first before the other things too! Use the Eat the Frog principle. What’s that? Identify the one thing you don’t want to do, but is the most important, and do it before you do anything else! 

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” 

Proverbs 16:3 –

“You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.” 

– Charles Buxton

Create a Distraction-Free Environment: 

Do you have things in the way of allowing you to focus on what is most important? What are your surroundings like? Do you need to go into a different room? Are you wanting to work on your email, but you are sitting in the kitchen knowing a sink full of dishes are there to do? Check your space and what is around you and find a place away from distractions. Now, I know there are times when we are not able to remove the distraction. Maybe you are a mama of toddlers who are needing you most of the day. Maybe start to implement a quiet time for everyone in the house. This doesn’t have to be nap time. Choose a time where your kiddos get time to be in their room to play, look at books or rest. Though it may feel impossible at times, it is possible.

Mindfulness and Meditation:

Prepare your mind each day for what is ahead. If you can, even one minute a day of preparing yourself for the day ahead can make such a difference. Invite the Lord into your day before your head ever leaves the pillow. This doesn’t have to be a huge thing or a long prayer. He hears you, just invite HIm in. Ask Him to direct your steps, remove the distractions of the day and draw you toward the most important. 

In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”

Psalm 5:3

Your journey begins with a single step. Each day, take one small step forward and soon you’ll find yourself miles away from where you started.

– Lao Tzu

Set Clear Goals and Intentions:

Make sure you know your goals and intentions surrounding the things you want to get done. Even making the phone call to schedule your mammogram has a purpose behind it. Do you really want to spend time scheduling the appointment so you will have to go on a later date? I know we never want to make the appointment or have to endure the appointment. However, the goal and purpose behind it is important to your overall health and wellbeing. It can be preventative for something coming ahead and it is taking responsibility around honoring God with your body. There is an intention and a goal aligned with this action! Even if it is something we really don’t feel like doing, do it. Make the call and you’ll be surprised how easy it was and how accomplished you will feel when completed

 Then the Lord replied: ‘Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.

Habakkuk 2:2-3

 You need a plan to build a house. To build a life, it is even more important to have a plan or goal.

– Zig Ziglar

My friends, the art of removing distractions takes time, but it is so worth it. We are all a work in progress, but try to look at how you get to learn this principle. Look to all it will provide for you in your day and your future.

If you haven’t had a chance to catch my podcast, please do! You can listen to it here or now watch it on YouTube here!

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