Okay friends, we are fully into August now and I see the end of summer coming so fast!! My aim is to have at least one post up a week and honestly, It didn’t happen last week, so I am combining two posts into one. I did have one ready to go last week and I never took the time to share it here. So, I wanted to share about my podcast episode last week and today’s in one post. Thanks for your understanding and patience as I continue to grow my consistency!

I wrote the first half from my hotel room as I reflected on the closing of one of my most favorite weeks of the year. I spent the last week learning, growing and connecting with my coaching community. These people are so important to me and I love every moment I get the chance to be with them. I laughed so much with these amazing friends that my stomach muscles were sore. I love the way each of them share their lives and allow me to be myself and honestly, allow my best to be shown. 

I often share about my journey and community and it is honestly hard to not to talk about it because of how much this community has changed my life for the better. I hope you have a group of people like these amazing friends in your life. It saddens me that I had to say goodbye to most of them until we can meet face to face again. I look forward to finding others closer to me who want to be part of our community so I can introduce them to this amazing life that can have. Listen HERE!

Last week I shared my raw thoughts about experiencing a rooftop moment and the encouragement for you to find yours too. I will share my thoughts on a few things that helped me be in this awe and gratitude and hope to help you find yours as well. Listen to Rooftop Moment Here!


This week,  I am sharing about a situation years ago when I didn’t make choices that I am proud of today. I will talk about some principles I have learned along the way that have given me tools that now, had the same situation come up I could have avoided or at least lessened the situation’s outcome.

I will share a few principles and actions that I have now learned and that may help you as something arises that could cause you to react in a certain way.  All I will tell you now is that it has to do with Peaches, a Leader and Responsibility.  (Sounds like the beginning of a joke, doesn’t it?)

So, to hear what I have to share about peaches, (Also, the fact that I am talking about peaches has nothing to do with the fact that I was in Atlanta last week. However, one of my coach friends bought a bag of Georgia peaches and shared them with us. It was the best peach I have ever tasted!) Anyhow, to learn what peaches, a leader and responsibility has to do with anything, you’ll have to listen here

I truly appreciate you walking the journey with me. Please remember to share this with anyone you think would find encouragement from what I share. Also, if you take time to like, review and share my podcast, this will allow me the opportunity to help others like you move toward the life they want. 

Thanks again for allowing me to be a small step in your journey of a flourishing life.

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