Today all the signs pointed toward not going to my workout this morning. I left too many things to do before I would leave to drive to the gym and the consequence was I missed my workout. I left the house late and knew it was probably pushing my luck to get there on time. However, I thought I would try and jump in my car to begin my journey.

I noticed the notification for my front left tire pressure was still low. (It had popped up yesterday, but I assumed it was because it was a cold morning, our first frost, and it would be back to normal today, which it wasn’t. I was driving toward the high school where I always pass and the school speed limit sign began to flash. I was now only 2 minutes from my house,  but another sign I should just turn around.

I kept pressing on and drove on the winding road to then get behind a truck turning left into traffic. This intersection is not my favorite as it is hard to see and when someone wants to turn left, you usually have to wait a bit. I typically go down a side street when this happens, but I didn’t for some reason. I finally was able to turn right to continue on and after several minutes had passed. I could have easily turned around, but I didn’t. 

I then drove down the road and didn’t get the light by the school which is pretty amazing. I drove down the straight toward the city I was going to do my workout and dealt with a bit more traffic than usual. Typically, this traffic would frustrate me because my tardiness would somehow be their fault for going slow. (Now, I will say please go the speed limit at least! ha!) I suppose it is a speed limit, but in my mind you should at least go the speed posted.. Okay, I will let it drop there. Ha ha!

I traveled down the road a bit more and got the next light, but I usually am stopped at that one so it was no surprise. I looked at my time and the pace we were all traveling and I actually was moving along pretty well. I thought for a moment, maybe I will make it to the gym in time? In all reality, there was no way I would be on time, but maybe I could just start the workout a bit late so I could warm up? Maybe I would just miss the instruction of what to do and then skip the first round of whatever the instructor was providing today?

I kept plugging along and started to wonder what I would do if I didn’t make it on time. Do I go into the gym anyhow? Do I disrupt the class already in progress? I then thought I will wait and see when I get there and decide what to do next. I got through the next light with great surprise, but looked at the time and I was already 4 minutes late. I thought okay, I will just pop in there and just join in when I can. But then there were 4 large semi trucks trying to merge into the lane I was in and I needed to be exactly where they were to turn into the parking lot. I quickly had to move into the next lane to let them merge over. Those trucks were coming whether I moved or not, Ha! So, I scooted out of the way and I longingling glanced over as I passed my turn. I drove to the next set of lights and drove around the other side of the parking lot of my destination. 

At this point it was already 6-7 minutes past the time the class began and I could see they were just beginning the round of exercises. I was too late to jump in and would cause all kinds of disruption if I had gone to the gym so late. So, I chose not to go in and sat in my car. I only looked into the windows for a short minute and then decided to move on. I wondered if I could use the bathrooms when they were done to change, but didn’t want to do that. My next stop had a restroom, but I didn’t want to change in there. I don’t find the restroom clean enough to want to change in there. So, I made due with how I was and made it to the next stop where I am now. 

So, why am I telling you this story about my morning? I couldn’t help but wonder if there was a reason I was not supposed to go to the gym today. Maybe it was to allow me to see how important planning ahead is to arrive somewhere on time? Maybe it was a lesson on not trying to plan too many activities before I need to leave for a destination? Maybe I was supposed to be home for some reason and the signs to turn around kept coming? What if I would go to the gym today and hurt myself? Was this the Lord leading me in a different direction this morning? 

It is hard to describe how I felt on my travels this morning. Normally, I would be stressed and frustrated around my tardiness, but I was calm and centered, I didn’t feel pressure to be there in time like I normally am. It could have been because I knew I wouldn’t be on time, but I am not sure that is what it was. I had so many opportunities to turn around, but here I sit now writing all of this to you. 

What if?

What if the things that happen through our days are happening for us and not to us? Well, I actually have learned how to embrace this concept of things in my life. I am not perfect at it, I am still learning this principle. However, what if my missing the gym today was to teach me to stop and listen to the Lord? What if the strange travels were helping me to fully understand and trust in the Lord’s leading? Could I have an important lesson I needed to learn today? 

Over the last several years I have learned how to shift my perspective toward learning to look for the lesson or the growth a situation brings. I could have just been in turmoil during my entire drive this morning, or I could embrace where I was and let the Lord lead and guide me toward what I am to learn. How did my traveling to the gym today be something that happened for me? When we learn to shift our focus on what we can control and not on what we can’t, it can provide so much more freedom. 

Where Do You Need to Be Open for Growth?

What is an area where you need to let go and look for the opportunity for growth today? Think about the situations that come your way and stop for a moment and ask how the situation is happening for you. This takes practice, but it does help you look at the things that are happening around you in a different light.

It is much like how the Lord leads us in drawing toward Him in our lives. We want to seek Him as we walk through life. We get to look to the Lord and ask for His guidance as we walk through our days. We can ask ourselves how is the Lord leading me in the situation I am in? What is He teaching me? What can I learn or gain from what is happening? Here are a few scriptures around looking to the Lord for guidance. 

Psalm 37:23-24 The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.

Psalm 32:8 The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.

Psalm 37:23  The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.

2 Thessalonians 3:16 – “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.”

There are many other scriptures we could focus on, but I thought these were a great start,

Though my morning was not what I expected, I am taking it all in with a big breath and trust in the Lord and how He will guide the rest of my day. We cannot know the what if’s of life and yet we cannot let the unknown stop us from moving forward. We get the opportunity each day to stop for a moment and look at how the things that are coming our way can actually be for us. Whether they are meant to protect us or help us grow, we get the chance each day to shift our perspective and look for the way it will happen for us rather than against us.

I hope this encourages you to look at the things happening to you today in a different light. I would love to hear if this shift of perspective allowed you to see something differently today.



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